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Luminary Clinical Trials Limited management Team

The Senior Team at Your Service


Justin Gaffney RN

Director / Clinical Lead / Primary UK Country Co-ordinator

Justin has over 30 years worth of experience working in healthcare, mostly in pioneering clinical roles within the NHS. He was responsible for developing innovative services within the sexual health department of St Mary’s Hospital, London, including the Working Men Project, and the Sexual Health Information & Protection (SHIP) team. Also an experienced trade union representative, who from 2004 – 2007 managed the introduction of Agenda for Change (the new pay and terms & conditions within the NHS) at St Mary’s, having the Department of Health and NHS London cite St Mary’s as an example of best practice. Prior to leaving the NHS at the end of 2007, he was Associate Director for Organisational Change, leading on staff engagement and various HR work-streams (such as policy integration) in preparation for the creation of the UK’s first Academic Health Science Centre – Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust.

Post the NHS, Justin has worked in a variety of roles, from setting up and managing a health and wellbeing centre in Angel, to being an Occupational Health and Site Nurse on a building developing in Blackfriars. Representing the employment and carer rights of nurses as a Royal College of Nursing trade union officer, to Commissioning Sexual Health & Contraceptive services across South West London.

More recently he has relocated to beautiful North Yorkshire and set up the Northern Office of Luminary Clinical Trials Ltd, whilst also having a role within the Urgent Community Response service of the local NHS.

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Suzanna Montague

Senior Nurse / UK Country Co-Ordinator (Back-up)

Suzanna is a registered nurse with a wealth of clinical experience within the NHS, working across a variety of roles and clinical specialisms. Her previous experience working in Pharma sales assists in her role as back-up country co-ordinator within Luminary Clinical Trials Ltd, whilst her past role as a Matron within a prestigious private school for boys means she has a wealth of paediatric experience to support some of our younger trial patients/subjects. 

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Suzanna supported her local NHS hospitals by returning to acute practice and assisting within the Emergency Departments, working on the frontline to deliver care through probably the most significant public health challenge the NHS has managed since its inception in 1948.

Suzanna is a keen gardener and baker, and often grows her own produce, such as used in her wickedly famous red chilli pepper jelly!

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